Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Lie!

The wind is studded with obsidian stars.

Yet the solitary plecia nearctica lights on a blade of grass. Alas, he is alone.

Is he repulsive or ugly to his own breed? Is it that his ocelli bulge in an unflattering manner. Could he possibly be gay? Maybe he simply can not fly backwards.

Seemingly wasting away his scant 72 hours of existence, Herbert now hangs still in the morning air. Effortlessly he rides the breeze as if waiting for the world to acknowledge his presence. Herbert has become self-aware. He alone among his peers understands the futility of this bi-annual bibionidae ballet. Wanting more, Herbert explores his province searching for enlightened beings in which to share the only thing he has to offer. His story.

A few days later, Herbert is alone again. His crumpled body lay strewn on the exposed concrete. His blank stare reflecting the realization of a world beyond his comprehension.

"What dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause."

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