Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Lie!

The wind is studded with obsidian stars.

Yet the solitary plecia nearctica lights on a blade of grass. Alas, he is alone.

Is he repulsive or ugly to his own breed? Is it that his ocelli bulge in an unflattering manner. Could he possibly be gay? Maybe he simply can not fly backwards.

Seemingly wasting away his scant 72 hours of existence, Herbert now hangs still in the morning air. Effortlessly he rides the breeze as if waiting for the world to acknowledge his presence. Herbert has become self-aware. He alone among his peers understands the futility of this bi-annual bibionidae ballet. Wanting more, Herbert explores his province searching for enlightened beings in which to share the only thing he has to offer. His story.

A few days later, Herbert is alone again. His crumpled body lay strewn on the exposed concrete. His blank stare reflecting the realization of a world beyond his comprehension.

"What dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not to go on a Rant...

From the Field Notes of Green Taylor Simms (Historian):

"Try to think of time not as a river, only flowing in one direction, but more like a subscription to “O” Magazine. Every cover has the face of God on it, and you seem to get next month’s issue long before the current month is over. As you travel forward through time, you are still free to linger in the past. (Did you try that blood orange and watercress salad recipe from July ’08? OMG!)"

Echo Lawrence (Night-timer, Party Crasher):

"If you ask me, time travelers don't dress in silver jumpsuits, they don't have bulbous heads, they don't even remotely resemble Scott Bakula. The real time travelers are the ones you see driving down the road at night and something just doesn’t seem right. They'll have junk strapped to their smashed-up cars like a mattress or a Christmas tree. If there's a full moon, look out for cars with “Just Married” painted on the side and what appears to be the entire wedding party inside. That’s them, or at least the wannabes."

Shot Dunyun (Night-timer, Party Crasher):

"The future you have tomorrow won't be the same future you have yesterday."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

A big thank you to our Canadian neighbors to the north for supplying the concept of "Labor Day" to the holiday-deprived United States.

Originating in Hamilton, Ontario during the 1870's as a pagan relief for chronic ennui, Labor Day was adopted by the Presbyterian Church in 1902 as a one of only 17 autumnal high holy days. The last 100+ years have seen this most sacred observance blossom into the drunken introduction to College Football we know today.

True to my gluttonous American up-bringing, I feasted on smoked bovine and suidae flesh, a solanum tuberosum salad with a mayonnaise base, and roasted Peruvian asparagus. Mmmm...